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飘天文学 > 速查速用商务英语口语 > 速查速用商务英语口语 会议主持 Hosting a Meeting(第4/5页)

速查速用商务英语口语 会议主持 Hosting a Meeting (第4/5页)

\\u003d We are going to talk about something related to marketing.

⑤ There are four main points to discuss today.


\\u003d There are four main points on our agenda.

·agenda 议程;日常工作事项

⑥ Could you be more specific?


\\u003d Cloud you please explain that in detail?

·in detail 具体地

⑦ Our main objective today is to make a decision on whether to invest or not.


\\u003d Our main objective today is to reach a decision on whether to invest or not.

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