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速查速用商务英语口语 市场调研 Market Research (第3/5页)

·spare v. 匀出;分让 adj. 空闲的;额外的

③ Could you please give me some opinions on the new product we plan to develop?


\\u003d I’d like to get some opinions from you concerning new products developing.

·develop 开发

④ How do you feel about the idea of building a new shopping mall here?


\\u003d What do you think of the idea of building a new shopping mall here?

⑤ I’m really excited about launching a new product because it will bring us a lot of profit.


\\u003d There’s an emerging market now, so I’m quite excited about launching this product.

⑥ In market research, you have to check out the competition and find out what products customers really like.



You should know your competitors well and find out the really hot-sale products.

⑦ Customers’preference is the most influential factor when making a commercial plan.

最新小说: 开局易筋经,苟到最后才出手 混沌神劫 被坑穿越后如咸鱼得盐 太古祖墟 高手下山 人在七零,开局被安排和巨佬相亲 抄家前,王妃搬空敌人金库去流放 抛夫弃子后,苏小姐独美 超凡穿越传奇 自化天途,从小千至大千 凤凰涅槃:小魔女她又狠又飒 假千金被嘲笑?亲哥哥们会出手 军婚:首长,那孩儿与你长得很像 天命大反派:从镇压气运之子开始 我被一条蛇定下婚约后 宠妾灭妻?侯府主母和离后把你家团灭了 我,大一新生,开局靠才艺吃饭 废柴少女闯江湖 教父 速查速用商务英语口语