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速查速用商务英语口语 开发潜在客户 Developing Potential Customers (第1/5页)

飘天文学 ptwx.net,最快更新速查速用商务英语口语!


David: Hello, Mr. Benson. I’m David from Hope LCD Producing Company. I’m in charge of the export department.

Benson: Hello, David.

David: I got that you are with a company headquartered in London and engaged in LCD import. So, if possible, can I invite you to visit our company after the trade fair?

Benson: But what are the strengths of your company and your products?

David: Our products have been designed to the highest specifications. They are tough and durable.

Benson: But what if the products we got have quality problems?

David: We can promise our clients the money-back guarantee.

Benson: That will be better.

大卫:本森先生您好。我是希望 LCD 制造公司的大卫。我负责公司的出口部门。


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