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速查速用商务英语口语 洽谈交货期 Discussing Lead Time (第1/5页)

飘天文学 ptwx.net,最快更新速查速用商务英语口语!


Benson: I am wondering your lead time.

David: Usually our lead time is around 60 days.

Benson: It is a bit late for us as we are urgently in need of the container in early Aug.

David: Okay. Then we only have 45 days left. Time is very tight for us.

Benson: I know that, but we really need the goods to be on time for our show.

David: Okay. Now I see.

Benson: So it will be much appreciated if you could do us a favor and meet this requirement.

David: No problem. We will manage to finish your order on time.



最新小说: 玄幻:开局师姐喊我去房间练功 绿茶她又美又茶,高岭之花他超爱 极道万龙图 黑暗势力来袭,本尊的武力依旧强大 万古流芳 君逍遥荒古圣体 荒天仙域君家 太古老祖树下睡觉 重生:夺取机缘纵横六界 苏醒后,他随缘暴击 大婚之日逃婚,我只好送你去死 重生婴儿:开局被鸡妖收养 穿越:我龙傲天开局保卫美娇娘! 让你开孤儿院,你养出一堆修仙大能? 退隐百年,再出山我屠尽天下妖魔 开局被女帝囚禁,我读书成圣 莫欺师兄如此大 无敌后我镇压了天道 模拟器:从青蛇开始化龙 玄幻:我能随机刷新境界