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飘天文学 > 速查速用商务英语口语 > 速查速用商务英语口语 收款与放单 Receiving Balance \\u0026 Releasing B \/ L(第3/5页)

速查速用商务英语口语 收款与放单 Receiving Balance \\u0026 Releasing B \/ L (第3/5页)

wire confirmation (wire transfer confirmation 的简称)电汇确认

① Is the address on the bank slip the remitter’s address or the bank address?


\\u003d Should I write the remitter’s address or the bank address on the bank slip?

·remitter 汇款人

② Please see the attached picture of the bank slip and let me know if it is acceptable.


\\u003d Attached please find the picture of the bank slip and let me know if it is acceptable.

\\u003d Please find the picture of bank slip in attachment and let me know if it is acceptable.

·attachment 附件

③ Do you need the telex release or the original one?

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