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速查速用商务英语口语 纠纷与仲裁 Disputes and Arbitration (第1/5页)

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David: Mr. Benson. I’m very sorry for the unpleasant happenings.

Benson: When the first batch of goods arrived, we promptly sent you the email. But there was no reply from you.

David: I never thought our products were of inferior quality and I’m afraid that your investigation results might be unreliable.

Benson: Your products are tested by the organization stipulated in the contract.

David: But anything may have happened since the goods had been off-loaded at the wharf for such a long time.

Benson: I’m not convinced. Besides, the second batch of goods that arrived yesterday was found to be as inferior as the first batch.

David: I think we’d better submit the case for arbitration

Benson: I agree and hope the arbitration will be objective.





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