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飘天文学 > 速查速用商务英语口语 > 速查速用商务英语口语 产品代理 Applying to Be an Agent(第4/5页)

速查速用商务英语口语 产品代理 Applying to Be an Agent (第4/5页)

\\u003d What we are striving for is to find a market for your products.

⑥ Please furnish us with more products in advance because the products will be sold out soon.


\\u003d As the products will be sold out soon, please provide us with more products beforehand.

·sell out 售罄

⑦ We will send our salesmen around to promote your products.


\\u003d We’ll send our salesmen to promote your products everywhere.

⑧ What is the territory to be covered?



最新小说: 吞天邪神 洪荒:净化天地,我气运加身 全宠替身?小师妹转身投奔反派! 异界兵行 万龙噬天诀 你们都去关心小师弟吧,我要潜心修道 玄幻:我只负责开挂,伤害你来抗 妙手龙医 剑道龙神 为救宗门修为被废,重活一世白眼狼们去死吧 开局被贬为庶民,我直升陆地神仙 不朽龙脉 这个仙尊有亿点反骨 一画天下 断我灵脉抽我骨,被灭宗你后悔啥? 极道:我有十个装备栏 我有一剑可斩神 大婚当日,女鬼抢亲 废物皇子,开局拿下至尊女帝! 御兽长生:我能提取血脉