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飘天文学 > 速查速用商务英语口语 > 速查速用商务英语口语 合资经营 Joint Venture(第4/5页)

速查速用商务英语口语 合资经营 Joint Venture (第4/5页)

\\u003d What’s the registered capital?

·registered capital 注册资金

④ We plan to invest 30% of the total investment, including equipment and machinery.

我方预计投资总额的 30%,包括机器及设备。

\\u003d We intend to cover the expense for equipment and machinery, that is 30% of the total investment.

⑤ The organization structure should be discussed and agreed upon by both party’s consultation.


\\u003d Only based on mutual agreement between the two parties can the organization structure be finally decided.

·organization structure 组织机构

⑥ I suggest we set up a board of directions for the management of the company.


\\u003d A board of directions is supposed to be set up to manage the company.

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