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飘天文学 > 一句一译的安徒生童话 > 一句一译的安徒生童话 第2章 小美人鱼 The Little Mermaid(第2/5页)

一句一译的安徒生童话 第2章 小美人鱼 The Little Mermaid (第2/5页)

Each of the young princesses had a little plot of ground in the garden, where she might dig and plant as she pleased.


One arranged her flower - bed into the form of a whale;


another thought it better to make hers like the figure of a little mermaid;


but that of the youngest was round like the sun, and contained flowers as red as his rays at sunset.


She was a strange child, quiet and thoughtful;


and while her sisters would be delighted with the wonderful things which they obtained from the wrecks of vessels, she cared for nothing but her pretty red flowers, like the sun, excepting a beautiful marble statue.


It was the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck.


She planted by the statue a rose - colored weeping willow.


It grew splendidly, and very soon hung its fresh branches over the statue, almost down to the blue sands.


The shadow had a violet tint, and waved to and fro like the branches;


it seemed as if the crown of the tree and the root were at play, and trying to kiss each other.


Nothing gave her so much pleasure as to hear about the world above the sea.


She made her old grandmother tell her all she knew of the ships and of the towns, the people and the animals.


To her it seemed most wonderful and beautiful to hear that the flowers of the land should have fragrance, and not those below the sea;


that the trees of the forest should be green;


and that the fishes among the trees could sing so sweetly, that it was quite a pleasure to hear them.


Her grandmother called the little birds fishes, or she would not have understood her; for she had never seen birds.

“当你到了十五岁的时候,” 祖母说,“你将被允许从海里升起来,在月光下坐在岩石上,这时大船正从旁边驶过;然后你将看到森林和城镇。”

“When you have reached your fifteenth year,” said the grand - mother, “you will have permission to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks in the moonlight, while the great ships are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.”


In the following year, one of the sisters would be fifteen: but as each was a year younger than the other, the youngest would have to wait five years before her turn came to rise up from the bottom of the ocean, and see the earth as we do.


However, each promised to tell the others what she saw on her first visit, and what she thought the most beautiful; for their grandmother could not tell them enough; there were so many things on which they wanted information.


None of them longed so much for her turn to come as the youngest, she who had longest time to wait, and who was so quiet and thoughtful.


Many nights she stood by the open window, looking up through the dark blue water, and watching the fish as they splashed about with their fins and tails.


She could see the moon and stars shining faintly;


but through the water they looked larger than they do to our eyes.


When something like a black cloud passed between her and them, she knew that it was either a whale swimming over her head, or a ship full of human beings, who never imagined that a pretty little mermaid was standing beneath them, holding out her white hands towards the keel of their ship.


As soon as the eldest was fifteen, she was allowed to rise to the surface of the ocean.


When she came back, she had hundreds of things to talk about;


but the most beautiful, she said, was to lie in the moonlight, on a sandbank, in the quiet sea, near the coast, and to gaze on a large town nearby, where the lights were twinkling like hundreds of stars;


to listen to the sounds of the music, the noise of carriages, and the voices of human beings, and then to hear the merry bells peal out from the church steeples;


and because she could not go near to all those wonderful things, she longed for them more than ever.


Oh, did not the youngest sister listen eagerly to all these descriptions?


and afterwards, when she stood at the open window looking up through the dark blue water, she thought of the great city, with all its bustle and noise, and even fancied she could hear the sound of the church bells, down in the depths of the sea.


In another year the second sister received permission to rise to the surface of the water, and to swim about where she pleased.


She rose just as the sun was setting, and this, she said, was the most beautiful sight of all.


The whole sky looked like gold, while violet and rose - colored clouds, which she could not describe, floated over her;


and, still more rapidly than the clouds, flew a large flock of wild swans towards the setting sun, looking like a long white veil across the sea.


She also swam towards the sun;


but it sunk into the waves, and the rosy tints faded from the clouds and from the sea.


The third sister’s turn followed;


she was the boldest of them all, and she swam up a broad river that emptied itself into the sea.


On the banks she saw green hills covered with beautiful vines;


palaces and castles peeped out from amid the proud trees of the forest;


she heard the birds singing, and the rays of the sun were so powerful that she was obliged often to dive down under the water to cool her burning face.


In a narrow creek she found a whole troop of little human children, quite naked, and sporting about in the water;


she wanted to play with them, but they fled in a great fright;

最新小说: 倚天屠龙记之破虏刀法 心向君兮 恶棍小霸王:这个老女人是我的! 撕裂枷锁 那爱,已是永恒 红楼梦:葬花吟二胡拉哭全场 尘世遗痕 四合院:开局暴打棒梗! 上榜的全是我 异界当猎人的我捡到兽耳娘这回事 鹿魂玉:七杀摇光赴永劫 和死对头订婚后,被迫和他同居了 命犯天煞,龙王庇护 侠客行之别人练武我修仙 我都多大岁数了还上恋综 Cos双首领之女后,我穿越了 我家鱼缸通古代,锦鲤福妻旺王爷 我的院长大人呀 万星道主 我只有你了啊