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飘天文学 > 一句一译的安徒生童话 > 一句一译的安徒生童话 第4章 卖火柴的小女孩 The Little Match-Seller(第1/5页)

一句一译的安徒生童话 第4章 卖火柴的小女孩 The Little Match-Seller (第1/5页)

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《卖火柴的小女孩》,1846 年

The Little Match-Seller, 1846



\"The Little Match Girl\" (written during a month - long stay with the Duke of Augustenborg) was inspired by illustrations Andersen received from the editor of an almanac, with the request that he write a story about one of them.


One image, painted by the Danish artist Johan Thomas Lundbye, showed a girl selling matches.

这幅画通过出现在 1843 年的一本日历上而广为人知,日历上的标题是 “施予时请行善”。

It had been popularized through its appearance in an 1843 calendar with the caption, “Do good when you give.”

“当我在格洛鲁普的时候,” 安徒生后来在他的旅行日记中回忆道,“在这个奢华富足的时期,一个出版商寄来了三幅木刻画,让我挑出一幅并围绕它写一个小故事。

“While I was at Glorup,“ Andersen later recalled in his travel diaries, “in this time of luxury and plenty, a publisher sent three woodcuts asking me to pick out one and write a little story around it.

我选择了一个描绘贫穷和匮乏的场景,一个衣衫褴褛、手拿几根火柴的小女孩 ——《卖火柴的小女孩》—— 奥古斯滕堡的我们的生活和她的世界之间的反差。”

I chose a scene that depicted poverty and deprivation, a ragged little girl with a handful of matches—‘The Little Match - girl’—the contrast between our life at Augustenborg and her world”.


Few children’s stories celebrate suffering with the kind of passion brought to the tale of the match - seller, and generations of children have admired her and wept over her death.


The frail waif who freezes to death on New Year’s Eve has become something of a cultural icon.


She is the victim of a brutal father (far more cruel than the ogres of fairy tales) and of a heartless social world;


even nature turns its back on her, offering neither shelter nor sustenance.


The fairy - tale magic is absent, and rescue comes only in the form of divine intervention.


The narrator of the match girl’s story takes us into the heroine’s mental world, allowing us to feel her pain as the temperature drops and the wind howls.


We also share her visions, first of warmth, then of nourishment, beauty, and finally human affection and compassion.

如果故事的最后画面呈现给我们的是一具冻僵的尸体,这个卖火柴的小女孩的死亡仍然是一种 “美丽的死亡”,是闪耀着灵性和超凡意义的所在。

If the final image of the story gives us a frozen corpse, the little match girl’s death is still a “beautiful death,” the site of radiant spirituality and transcendent meaning.

最新小说: 万星道主 我只有你了啊 超市通古今,上交国家后我躺赢了 砺行 二次元爱人攻略我 土元素最弱?但我拥有一个星球! 游龙神算 九灵武域 从离婚开始混社会,柳如烟后悔了 重生新婚夜扑倒京圈大佬生宝宝 骑士故事 蔚蓝档案坏了我成学生了 学姐不配拥有治疗 病娇宠:炮灰难当还被猪吃 每日一愿,我能梦想成真 成为流浪商人后,我暴富了 我都成仙了,你才刚灵气复苏? 睡前小故事情侣版 纯情挚爱十七八老谋深算十万年 虾仁奇妙的穿越之旅