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一句一译的安徒生童话 第5章 公主和豌豆 The Princess and the Pea (第1/5页)

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《公主和豌豆》,1835 年

The Princess and the Pea, 1835



Andersen claimed to have heard this story as a child, and it is likely that he was inspired by a version akin to the Swedish “Princess Who Lay on Seven Peas.”


The heroine of that tale is an orphaned child who sets out into the world accompanied by a pet cat or dog and who presents herself as a princess.


Challenged by a suspicious queen, the girl’s royal ancestry is put to the test at night, when a small object (a bean, a pea, or a straw) is slipped under her mattress.


Informed by the cat or the dog about the object, the girl complains about her inability to sleep and is declared to be of royal blood.

民间故事中的女主人公用欺骗手段来提升自己的社会地位,但安徒生笔下的公主是 “真正的” 公主,不必歪曲自己的敏感。

The folktale heroine uses deceit to raise her social rank, but Andersen’s princess is the “real” thing and does not have to misrepresent her sensitivity.

对安徒生来说,一个表明 “真正的” 高贵在于敏感而非出身的故事具有一定的吸引力。

For Andersen, a story demonstrating that “true” nobility resides in sensitivity rather than birth had a certain appeal.


Constantly reminded of his lowly social origins by his many benefactors as well as by friends and critics, Andersen compensated by developing narratives demonstrating that those who are born in barnyards (the ugly duckling) or those who appear out of nowhere at the doorstep of royals (the princess) may turn out to be the real thing.


As a poet, he aspired to become Denmark’s representative among a European elite of writers and thinkers.

最新小说: 万星道主 我只有你了啊 超市通古今,上交国家后我躺赢了 砺行 二次元爱人攻略我 土元素最弱?但我拥有一个星球! 游龙神算 九灵武域 从离婚开始混社会,柳如烟后悔了 重生新婚夜扑倒京圈大佬生宝宝 骑士故事 蔚蓝档案坏了我成学生了 学姐不配拥有治疗 病娇宠:炮灰难当还被猪吃 每日一愿,我能梦想成真 成为流浪商人后,我暴富了 我都成仙了,你才刚灵气复苏? 睡前小故事情侣版 纯情挚爱十七八老谋深算十万年 虾仁奇妙的穿越之旅